Monday, 9 December 2019


The spacesuits, the inside of the ship, the landscape of the alien planet with some really nice shots, the androids - all is there. Please Login or Register. There are no comments yet. Explore popular and recently added TV series available to stream now with Prime Video. How do you like the new view of our site? Made for Czech TV: Edit Did You Know? nesmluvena setkani

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The Earth is ready to colonize planet Ark as the initial tests showed there are no higher forms of life on it.

Browse free movies and TV series. The little boy is a good actor as well.

nesmluvena setkani

The crew intends to use him to establish contact with the native civilization but things don't go quite the way they expect it. Although the actual plot is somewhat slow and lacking any real substance, it nonetheless keeps you enthralled to the very end. This film is made for television in the cold war era and its budget is quite limited. The spacesuits, the inside of the ship, the landscape of the alien planet with some really nice shots, the androids - all is there.

Setkzni turns out it's a ship from Earth that disappeared years ago.

BoyActors Forum - Nesmluvená setkání ()

The only difference I believe there is with the book is that the planet about to be colonised is meant for humans from Earth and not for a dying alien civilisation from another planet that humans are helping as in the book, but that has no effect on the story. Worried for the boy's safety, the crew's captain Jan Jacer heads out to find him and bring him back to Earth Many excellent still photos, and dvd are available at: You need to Login or Register to view media files and links.

Of course, he is a space Mowgli, that is explicitly stated. I liked the acting and the directing, and the dialogues were adapted in a somewhat clearer way than the Russian production for TV of the same novel called Malysh which also lacked any set designs to speak of. Start your free trial. Don't find your desired subtitle? But watch it mostly for the story, it's interesting. Share this Rating Title: Several ships are already on the planet preparing bases for the colonists.

nesmluvena setkani

Although only a small part of the ship setkanj shown from the outside and the wreckage of an old ship is very unconvincing. It is essential to the plot. YoungArthur, Zabladowski, BijouQuantumhosenhaus. Most of the sets are quite good and done thoughtfully. They soon find their missing colleagues, dead in the rubble and report back to Earth that all information gathered by the previous crew was lost in the crash.

A storm is brewing outside the ship, and nasty space storm at that! The sound and music were also very good.

Nesmluvená setkání (1995) subtitles

Another way of saying this is that he appears without clothes. Remember me on this device: Unexpected Encounters TV Movie 6. Androids working outside one of the ships start acting strange. I would like to receive newsletter: Through a series of flashback sequences we learn that this boy is the dead pilot's son, and nesmluvenx the crash with wetkani a few cuts. Edit Cast Cast overview, first billed only: One night, over dinner, a strange person wonders on to the space craft's flight deck: That space craft had crash landed not too far from their current location with a small crew, including a 5-year-old boy: Androids working outside one of the ships start acting strange.

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