Friday, 6 December 2019


How to uninstall lxmed? This version has some support of showing an application's icon when full path to icon is known. Help Help using lxmed How to install lxmed? LXmed reads 'Categories' property in. Then follow these steps: Unpack archive in your home or desktop folder. Make sure you have java installed. lxmenueditor

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Ldmenueditor 5, 2 Comments. Please notice that the icon selection part of the application is not completed and not tested properly. If you do that from your user account you can only use LXMenuEditor to view the menu entries. It is called lxmed reflecting the build date.

Full documentation for desktop entry specification can be found here. You are commenting using your Twitter account. Beside this, there are no changes in the new version, so if your current application can start, there is no need to download the new one.

Project description lxmed is ,xmenueditor small, simple, free, open source, easy to use application that allows you to customize the LXDE menu.


If you have any ideas or suggestions on how to solve this problem, they are more than welcome. After receiving a number lxmenuediror complains on Another instance running Once you have done that, LXMenuEditor will be launched with root user previleges and you can view and edit the Xfce applications menu.

To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: Manually edit the code.


Bugs found in beta version have been fixed. For now, lxmed only displays an icon if full path is given. This does not meen that lxmed will never display. How to uninstall lxmed?

Beta version of LXMenuEditor has been available for download. What are those red, green and yellow colours in menu item list? Fitzcarraldo is my nom de plume in the Gentoo Linux and Sabayon Linux forums.


Why are some menu items displayed in wrong category? Post was not sent - check your email addresses!

This is the first version released to public. If you receive an error message like sudo: A new version has been available for download. You are commenting using your Google account. So I did the following:. Blog Statshits.

An easy way to edit the Xfce Application Menu | Fitzcarraldo's Blog

Items in bold represent visible menu items. New to Sabayon and this was a lot easier than the lengthy wiki instructions for Xfce. February 28, at You are commenting using your Facebook account. Lxmenueditod me of new comments via email.

An easy way to edit the Xfce Application Menu

Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here It has been tested in lubuntu, Mint, SuSe and Arch linux. Usually, this is not the case, because most of menu items only define icon's name and LXDE resolves an icon depending on selected theme. The Menu Items lxmenueditod will display the current menu entries in the System Tools category.

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